Puerto Rico Taskforce Update: June 2018

BY Stephen M. Fearing

Grace and peace to you from the Synod’s Puerto Rico Partnerships Taskforce (PRPT)!

We are honored to serve you as we seek to reinvigorate our partnerships between the Synod of the Northeast and the people of Puerto Rico.

Recently, I had the privilege of traveling to Puerto Rico with the other four members of the PRPT:  Crystal Garcia (Monmouth), Leslie Latham (Western New York), Margaret Mitsuyasu (Synod Mission Coordinator), and Amaury Tañón-Santos (Synod Networker). The purpose of our trip was to meet face-to-face with ecclesial leaders from around Puerto Rico, to listen to their stories, and to begin to discern together ways that we can walk alongside our Puerto Rican sisters and brothers in this particularly painful time following the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

Here are a list of three observations during our brief time with the Presbyterians of Puerto Rico:

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Introducing the 2018-2019 Robert L. Washington Scholars

At the June 2018 Mission & Ministries Commission meeting, the Synod’s Committee on Representation, which reviews applications and selects participants for the Robert L. Washington Scholars program each year, joyfully announced the members of the 2018-2019 cohort. We are delighted to introduce to you RE Luci Duckson-Bramble and Rev. Erin Hayes-Cook, both of whom are outstanding leaders!

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Commending the "Reclaiming Jesus" Statement

by Harold Delhagen

Dear Friends,

I am writing this as a pastoral and prophetic word as one who is called to lead our community in our common witness to proclaim the Gospel in season and out and to encourage our members to raise up their important voice in pursuit of becoming a vital part of the Beloved Community.

For some time now, I have been searching for the best words to express a helpful and coherent response to the dangerous and polarizing rhetoric that has run rampant in our country and culture…

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Leaning Into Courage

by Harold Delhagen

Two years ago, the Synod of the Northeast partnered with two very different congregations in a project we called “Undoing Racism.” The original partners were the Rendall Memorial Presbyterian Church, an historic a African American congregation in Harlem, New York, and First Presbyterian Church in Morristown, NJ, an historic, majority white congregation. Recently this initiative has included the First Presbyterian Church in Rutherford, NJ as well.

These congregations have made deep and lasting covenants to learn, worship, and fellowship together in order to undo the bonds of racism. It was my privilege to share the Word with these saints last Sunday, June 3rd. Here is the sermon and a few photos of this beautiful event…

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