Message from Transitional Synod Leader: The Sacredness of Work

n many faith traditions, work is seen as more than just a necessity; it is a sacred act. The Bible, for instance, begins with God as a worker—creating the heavens and the earth. This act of creation sets a precedent for humanity, suggesting that work is a fundamental part of being made in the image of God. When we engage in work, whether in an office, a factory, a farm, or at home, we participate in the ongoing act of creation, bringing order, beauty, and purpose to the world around us.

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Mark Bennett
Campus Ministry and Youth and Young Adult Leadership Grants

The Synod has changed the due date for Campus Ministry and Youth and Young Adult Leadership Development Grant applications from January 1st to November 15th.  If you are interested in applying for a Campus Ministry or Youth and Young Adult Leadership Development Grant for 2025, please do so by November 15, 2024.  

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Mark Bennett
Matthew 25 In Action: Preserving Sacred Spaces, Supporting Indigenous Communities

As part of our continued commitment to the Matthew 25 Initiative, the Synod of the Northeast invites you to join us for Indigenous Mission Day on Saturday, September 28, 2024. This day of service is an opportunity to lend a hand in preserving sacred spaces while supporting our indigenous brothers and sisters in faith, as we work to embody the call of Matthew 25.

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