A Letter to the Synod of the Northeast Community

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 

What a fast pace and stressful time we find ourselves in with changes happening almost every few minutes.  Our tradition is to reach out to the community to worship together and to care for one another.  Yet, more and more of the national discourse is about social distancing.  Yes, it is important for families, congregations, communities, presbyteries and the synod to take actions that will protect us and keep as many people as healthy as possible.   

We know that your presbyteries and churches are sending frequent messages concerning the changing environment and suggestions as to how to respond.  We know that many are making the decision to close for the time being and hold worship and meetings in other ways.  Continue to listen to your church leaders and presbyteries since they will have the latest information that relates to your locality.  Continue to check the CDC website as well as your local and state health agencies.   

At the same time let us remember that social distancing can be very difficult for people who already find themselves isolated.  Since more of us may be working from home, let us take the time to reach out by phone to someone we know may be alone or lonely.  We can talk together, pray together and figure out new ways to be in community with each other.   

Please know that the Synod is carefully monitoring the coronavirus situation as it unfolds.  We are aware that currently the Presbytery Leaders Forum, Synod Commission Meeting, and Early Ministry Institute are scheduled for the end of April and the beginning of May.  The Synod Officers will make a decision at the latest by the end of March concerning these meetings.  In the meantime, staff will work with members of the synod community to consider whether these meetings can be held virtually, if necessary, and how best to do that or whether they need to be rescheduled or canceled. 

Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.  Isaiah 33:2 

Blessings on you all, 

Elder Jacinth Hanson, Synod Moderator
Rev. Leslie Latham, Synod Moderator-Elect
Elder Warren McNeill, Synod Mission, and Ministries Moderator
Elder Alan Ford, Synod Treasurer
Rev. Nancy Talbot, Synod Stated Clerk