Welcome Amaury!

A Synod of Partnerships and Collaboration:

Meet the newly appointed Synod Networker


The Synod Council is pleased to announce the addition of Amaury Tañón-Santos to the Synod's staff as Synod Networker. A teaching elder member of Elizabeth Presbytery, and parish associate of Nuevas Fronteras Presbyterian Church in Plainfield, NJ, Amaury joins the synod staff from Princeton Theological Seminary where he served as Director of Programs of Continuing Education. As the networker of the Synod of the Northeast, Amaury will work with Harold Delhagen - the Synod's Transitional Leader, the synod staff, and the Synod Council's Networks Working Group, in the continued development of a key component of the New Way Forward - the formation of Synod-wide networks of passion in ministry and mission.

Amaury is passionate about church ministry, intercultural engagement, and an active public Christian witness. He pastored two congregations in transition before joining Princeton Seminary's continuing education to oversee programs in intercultural and urban ministries, public social engagement, and Latina/o leadership.

Key to Amaury's understanding and practice of ministry is a deep sense of community, collaboration and collegiality. "Any moment of radical and transformative change narrated in the Scriptures or lived throughout church history", Amaury says, "were moments of intentional and radical joint learning, dreaming and working." This view will be key to his work with the Synod of the Northeast. Rhonda Kruse, Hudson River Presbytery's Connections and Change Presbyter, and the chair of the networker's search committee, says that, "connecting people with common interests and passions is something Amaury does naturally. His gifts and skills for this work are clear and he will bless the Synod in this role." "Our Synod Community rejoices in the selection of Amaury to work among us as we move into our New Way Forward", says Harold Delhagen. "He brings with him important skill sets and and a passionate vision for the future church. He embodies the voice of both diversity and young leadership which are two foundational values for our strategic vision."

Trained as a historian (BA, Universidad de Puerto Rico), Amaury went on to discern and prepare for his pastoral vocation at Princeton Theological Seminary (MDiv). His passion for urban ministry and social engagement led him to doctoral work in urban and intercultural studies (DMin) at New Brunswick Theological Seminary.

Join us in welcoming Amaury as synod staff! Amaury will begin his work as Synod Networker on October 6.

The Synod of the Northeast is a regional community of PCUSA presbyteries and their congregations committed to serving as supportive mutual partners. Spanning from New England to New York and New Jersey, and serving one of the most diverse demographics in the USA, the Synod exists to serve its 22 presbyteries through resourcing, guidance and the ability to gather partners on a larger scale. Drawing upon its regional size and diversity, the Synod provides valuable resources and opportunities for innovation and creativity.

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