Posts tagged Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Mission Exchange to Indonesia

by Virginia Champlin

The eighteen women from across the United States who comprised the delegation of the Churchwide Presbyterian Women’s 2017 Global Exchange to Indonesia traveled south and west to “Build the Bridge of Understanding” as sisters in Christ. Over the two and a half weeks of September 12-29, 2017, we accomplished the program's two main goals: we learned how to live respectfully in a multi-faith culture, and encouraged and accompanied one another as together we are seeking a more peaceful and just world.  The communities we visited were Jakarta, Solo, Yogyakarta on the island of Java, and Bali.

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Privileged: Reflections from the Presbyterian Women in the Synod of the Northeast’s Annual Business Meeting and Leadership Enhancement Retreat

I was inspired by the intelligence, experience, knowledge and spiritual insight of our Presbyterian Women leadership. The meeting improved my understanding, affirmed my worth and purpose, focused my attention on mission and service objectives, and provided opportunities for all to share their challenges and accomplishments.

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